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Julie Wungundin

"Wandjina Guarded by Dreamtime Spirit and Bushman" by Julie Wungundin


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  • Acrylic on canvas
  • Size 88 cm X 90cm

Julie is a Ngaranyin Woman, who is painting stories passed on to her by her father. Julie grew up and lives and paints in the Kimberley.

Only three Aboriginal groups within the Kimberley have permission to paint Wandjina artworks. Two different types of figures are commonly painted, depending on the water source. One figure is used for freshwater whilst another is used for saltwater. Aboriginal peoples have a great spiritual connection with the Wandjina figures, at times referring to them as ‘gods of falling water’.

The Wandjina is a sacred icon to 3 groups of Kimberly Indigenous people. The tradition is a living culture that has been estimated to be over 15,000 years old, making it the world's oldest unbroken art tradition. The Wandjina has enjoyed a resurgence since it was used representationally by Donny Woolagoodja at the opening ceremony for the 2000 Sydney Olympics.
