Betty Egan
About Betty:
Betty Egan was born on Yallalong Station on the Murchison River in Western Australia. She and her family are members of the Wadjarra Tribe who continue to speak the Wadjarri language and maintain a strong link with their country and traditional culture in the Murchison River.
Betty Egan was educated at the Pallotine Mission, Tardun in Western Australia, leaving in 1986 moving to Alice Springs. Here, her adopted family permitted her to start painting their stories. Betty has returned home and started painting her own stories. Sadly, Betty passed away in May 2016; she will be greatly missed.
About the Artwork
"The Magpie-man chases these two women everywhere they go; he chases them away from their campfires and the grounding stones (and fire). The Women go through a big lake in between Kings Canyon and Ayres Rock. The women enter the desert, living off the land, eating honey ants, bush potatoes and witchetty grubs.
This story was given to me and my daughter by Steven Clyne from Kings Canyon NT."