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Andrew Binsiar

"Hunting Dreaming" by Andrew Binsiar (Ando)


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  • Approx 140cmx 95cm 
  • Spray Paint & Acrylic Paints on canvas

About Ando

Andrew Binsiar is a local Yamatji elder and an Indigenous Leader. 

“I was fostered out at 8 months old and have lived in Meekatharra WA all of my life. For the past 11 years, I have lived in a small aboriginal community called Buttah Windee (the pouch that a mother carries her baby in) which is situated five kilometres from Meekatharra.

I have entered and won a few small local art competitions over the past 8 years and held my first solo exhibition at the Gomboc Gallery in April last year. This has opened my eyes and mind to the art world and lets me express the thoughts of a modern aboriginal man and his modern culture. I have a contemporary style mixed with the traditional style of painting that compliments each other and our plight as, not only modern Australians but also Aboriginal Australians.”

About the artwork

In this painting, Andrew (Ando) paints an indigenous man that goes by the name of David Gulpilil. Mr. Gulpilil is an accomplished hunter, tracker, and ceremonial dancer from Marwuyu, North East of the world-famous Kakadu National Park. He is renowned throughout the Aboriginal community and has appeared in many films and television programs over the years. Mr. Gulpilil provided a much-needed mentor-ship to troubled Aboriginal youth while lending his support to social and political causes such as the pursuit of tribal land claims from Indigenous people.
